Our Vision and Mission
We live in a world that is becoming rife with conflict. Be it on the international or the interpersonal scale, all we see around us is the inability of human beings to interact with each other in harmony. We often listen not to understand, but to reply or retaliate. We cannot fool ourselves thinking that because there is no physical violence in our immediate vicinity we have not become violent people. We often shower upon others violence in other forms, in our words, in small acts of hostility that are often repaid to us in equal measure.
So where does this vicious cycle of attack and counter- attack begin? It begins at the same place that it must also end, within ourselves. Our society is going through rapid changes that often make the individual incapable of coping with his surroundings. Our personal frustrations are soon transformed into plots of vengeance in such a scenario. How do we escape this poisonous environment that we have created for ourselves?
This is where the Vision and Mission of the Shito-ryu Sports Karate School India can help.
Most people think that the sole purpose of martial arts is to provide combat training in situations of conflict. The fact, however, is that all martial arts aim to provide the practitioner with an ability to anticipate conflict and if possible, avoid it. What martial arts aim to do is to make the person more aware of himself and his surroundings, to enable him to interact with his surroundings in a harmonious manner and to deal with the rupture of such harmony with the most poise possible. The keyword thus happens to be “control”.
Kyoshi S. Nazarudeen’s vision while he established the Shito-ryu Sports Karate School India was this: to formulate within the framework of Karate, a system of self-realisation, appraisal and regulation that is congruent with the social realities around. To put it simply, it means that the aim of the school is to enable each student to identify his shortcomings in interpersonal interactions and by using physical training to correct such shortcomings, to enable the student to develop his personality to the fullest positive extent.
We know that in most situations of conflict, the actual discord arises because of a break in communication. Along with actual words, we are constantly giving out non-verbal signals. When we are not in control of ourselves and our surroundings, for example, when we are visiting a place for the first time, we might feel uncomfortable and therefore we may not feel in control, we tend to have less control over our ability to communicate. We may give out verbal/ non-verbal signals that convey our discomfort. This will make the situation uncomfortable for everyone thus creating conflict.
Karate with its equal focus on mind and body can help you master such situations by mastering yourself.
One of our programmes is reflective of this concern that Kyoshi S. Nazarudeen has always had: shyness in children. Removed from the joint family, our children now live in isolated bubbles and many of them fail to develop the right approach to interpersonal communication. Our specialised training, with unique techniques specifically developed for this purpose, provides such children with a well-rounded education. We teach them how to cope with unfamiliar situations with confidence, identify situations of true danger and appropriately react to each one. Thus through martial arts training we create children who are more confident and emotionally intelligent.
We have also fashioned tailor-made programmes for the elderly as well as self-defence programmes for women. The aim, as always, is to identify the source of our problems, be it emotional stress, insecurity, loneliness or plain fear of our surroundings. Whichever be the case, the source is always the mind and the mind is triggered by issues of our body. Our programmes are perfect for senior citizens who feel vexed by new ailments due to advancing age. Not only does training in Shito-ryu help the elderly revitalise their bodies, the classes will also help them find a new arena to socialise with their peers thus helping them keep young at heart. As for our female students, self-defence is all the rage at the time with serious concerns about the safety of women finding much-needed attention. What makes our self-defence programme unique is that it is fashioned after one of the earliest attempts in creating such a niche, the Aoyagi kata.
Thus our vision is to evolve through Shito-ryu training a group of people who are capable of dealing with the many fluctuations in their surroundings with composure and poise. Our mission is to realise this vision through the most innovative and meticulous of training programmes, with emphasis on the development of inter-personal skills and the blossoming of the entire personality of the student for assured success.